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The #OKC4HR Proposal


In our increasingly diverse city, there is important work to be done. We recognize that our City cannot do it all on its own, however it can catalyze change. Our campaign asks on June 9th and June 16th during regularly scheduled City Council meetings, where next year's budget will be discussed, for the City's commitment and allocation of appropriate resources to the following actions:


Firstly, the formation of an external exploratory committee to research, evaluate and report where we are as a City related to human rights (2020-2021).


Second, the implementation of a training program for City employees that focuses on racial sensitivity and provides equity tools appropriate for various departments (2020-ongoing).


Third, the re-establishment of an appointed Human Rights Commission (HRC) that educates local government and officials, the public and about international human rights standards; assess local policy and practice in light of international standards; investigate human rights complaints; and issue recommendations and guidance encouraging, permitting, or requiring governmental agencies to consider and integrates human rights principles and standards when creating new policies (2021-ongoing).


Lastly, the creation of a Human Rights and Economic Opportunity Department that collects information and reports on human rights compliance at the local level; incorporates human rights principles into programs and services; initiates advocacy efforts and partnerships; works with the HRC to investigate human rights complaints, issue recommendations and guidance encouraging, permitting, or requiring city government to consider and integrate human rights principles and standards when creating new policies (2021-ongoing).


These actions will strengthen safe, secure, and thriving neighborhoods; achieve social justice; institute high standards within all city services; promote community wellness; improve fiscal management; and advance a strong economy.



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© 2020 by OKC Communities for Human Rights

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